Predict & Manage Financial Risk

Financial health check up

Developing a business and financial plan

CEO Mentoring / Financial Advisory to scale to the next level

We provide Professional Financial Advisory services to Mid Size Corporates. Entrepreneurs of mid size corporates get bogged down with day-to-day business tasks resulting in limited focus on financial planning. However we know that a sound business cum financial plan is an indispensable tool which can help entrepreneurs to predict, protect and manage various business risk in different situation.


To secure your company’s future, we offer a Comprehensive Financial Health check-up program and build a robust financial plan covering:

  • Fund flow and liquidity management
  • Identifying the Long Term Funding needs to meet the business plan
  • Fund Structuring – Equity and Debt including identification of source of funding.
  • We help SMEs to refine their long-term strategies through inorganic growth. These are achieved through Joint Ventures, Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions.
  • We advise and assist in exit strategies and unlock value for your business venture you had built over the years through M&A
  • Many Family run SMEs face a major issue in their succession plan as their next generation are not inclined to take over the existing businesses built over the years.

Merger & Acquisition

We Provide SMEs the following services in M&A

Transaction advisory

Due diligence

Financial model


Transaction implication

Regulatory compliances

Post merger advisory support